PG Blazer provides online PG medical entrance coaching. You can study AIIMS & AIPGMEE MCQs and assess your performance with mock tests.
Author Spotlight

Dr. Johnson Francis
Senior Consultant Interventional Cardiologist & Former Professor of Cardiology. He is the founder and Executive Editor of Indian Pacing and Electrophysiology Journal. He is also the Co-editor of: “Leo Schamroth – An Introduction to Electrocardiography“, Eighth Adapted Edition. Peer Reviewer for 15 International Journals including The Journal of American College of Cardiology, Heart Rhythm and PACE. He has published more than forty articles in reputed journals.

Dr. Beena Johnson
Senior Consultant in Behavioural & Developmental Paediatrics. First Rank Holder for Final MBBS, University of Calicut. Best Outgoing student of Calicut Medical College. Invited faculty in National and State conferences of Indian Academy of Pediatrics. Conducted more than 250 seminars & public health education programs for more than 25,000 students, parents & teachers including radio talks & TV programs.
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hi..thanx to pgblazer…come across a lot of new mcqs..but plz try to give explanation for the answers too…is it enough of one years preaparation with solving mcqs to b confident to appear for all india exam…?? which books do u advice…?? plz help..
pgblazer is really gud ….but we need a query counter also where controversial questions must be discussed.
PG blazer plays a vital role in ug medical students in giving a right path in their pg entrance exam preparation.
It must increase the subject contents and discuss important topics in examination point of view in all categories.
TERMS should be made strict for weakly tests that one can attend only once.
Please update weekly test.
Pgblazer is amazingly good and userfriendly.. add more mcq n pnemonics…
Plz ans this question
Injection of Radiocontrast material is Contraindicated in All, EXCEPT
A)Multiple Myeloma
B)Chronic Pancreatitis
C)Diabetic Nephropathy
D)Severe CHF
really nice website… informative and nicely presented papers… please keep up the good work…
Thanx for ur effort n I am eager to know which medical discipline the pg entrance toppers are interested to opt for since it would guide ug students
plz give answers for leaderboard online tests. these tests are very usful. thanks for givng oppertunity to write these tests
You should choose a discipline based on your aptitude and ability. That will suit you better than the top one chosen, which changes with time. Long time back it was Medicine, then Paediatrics, then again Medicine planning sub specialities, recently Radiodiagnosis. It also varies with the regions.
Your choice would be most often for a lifetime!
tests are very usuful for practice.. thanks a lot.
what should be the minimum score in your test series to get a clinical branch in neetpg ?
how to improve score in theses tests ? pls suggest q banks and books…
@chinki, We have published interviews of many PG entrance toppers. You can read them to get an idea about which books and q banks to follow. Link :