Management of shoulder dystocia – Obstetrics MCQ

Management of shoulder dystocia

Which of the following maneuvers is not used for the management of shoulder dystocia?

A. McRoberts maneuver

B. Suprapubic pressure

C. Woods corkscrew maneuver

D. Mauriceau Smellie Veit maneuver


Correct answer : D. Mauriceau Smellie Veit maneuver

  • Mauriceau Smellie Veit maneuver is used in the management of after coming head in case of breech delivery.


 What is shoulder dystocia?

  • It is a type of obstructed labour in which the anterior shoulder of the fetus fails to deliver after the emergence of the head.

Risk factors 

  • Diabetes
  • Fetal macrosomia

Procedures used in the management of shoulder dystocia

  • McRoberts maneuver – The mothers thighs are abducted and flexed onto her abdomen.
  • Rubin I maneuver (suprapubic pressure)
  • Rubin II maneuver (posterior pressure on anterior shoulder)
  • Wood’s corkscrew maneuver – This is performed only if suprapubic pressure and McRoberts maneuver are unsuccessful. Here, the posterior shoulder is rotated to anterior position.
  • Jacquemier’s maneuver (Barnum’s maneuver) – Delivery of the posterior shoulder first
  • Gaskin maneuver – Mother is moved to an all fours position with the back arched. This widens the pelivic outlet
  • Zavanelli’s maneuver
  • Cleidotomy – one or both clavicles are cut to decrease the diameter of the shoulder girdle. This is done only in case of a dead fetus / anencephalic fetus
  • Maternal symphysiotomy – the pubic symphysis of the mother is cut to facilitate the delivery of the shoulder (this is rarely used)