The most reliable criteria in Gustafson method of age estimation is: a) Attrition b) Secondary dentin deposition c) Transparency of root d) Cementum apposition Correct answer : c)
When a surgeon wants to send the autopsy specimen for virological examination, it should be preserved in: a) 50% glycerine b) 10% formalin c) Rectified spirit d) Saturated
A dead body is having cadaveric lividity of bluish green colour. The most likely cause of death is by poisoning due to: a) Hydrocyanic acid b) Hydrogen sulphide
A person presents to the emergency with rigors and chills and a clinical picture resembling malaria. Which of the following poisoning is likely a) Mercury b) Red phosphorous
Preservation of brain is not required in a) Alkaloid poisoning b) Organophosphorus poisoning c) Volatile organic poisoning d) Heavy metal poisoning Correct answer : d) Heavy metal poisoning
Sexual asphyxia is associated with which of the following sexual behaviour. a) Masochism b) Sadism c) Fetichism d) Voyeurism Correct answer : a) Masochism
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