Which of the following is impaired in a case of gout? A. Protein metabolism B. Ketone metabolism C. Purine metabolism D. Pyrimidine metabolism Correct answer : C. Purine
A case of Acute Flaccid Paralysis should be kept under surveillance for residual paralysis for? A. 30 days B. 45 days C. 60 days D. 90 days Correct answer
Caspases are involved in ? A. Apoptosis B. Necrosis C. Neoplasia D. Inflammation Correct answer : A. Apoptosis Caspases are cysteine proteases which play an important role in
Which of the following drugs have a narrow therapeutic index? A. Lithium B. Diazepam C. Penicillin D. Desipramine Correct answer : A. Lithium Other drugs with narrow
Lymphatic drainage from the spongy urethra is towards? A. Superficial inguinal lymph nodes B. Deep inguinal lymph nodes C. External iliac lymph nodes D. Internal iliac lymph nodes
Which of the following is tested using the ‘Lift off test’ ? A. Teres Minor B. Subscapularis C. Supraspinatus D. Infraspinatus Correct answer : B. Subscapularis Lift off
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