Age pyramid
- Age pyramid is a graphical representation of the age – sex structure of a population
- It consists of 2 back to back graphs, with age represented in the x axis and number of people in the y axis
- Age groups are taken at 5 year intervals and the number of males and female in each group is calculated
- The above data is plotted in a graph with males on the left side and females on the right side
- The structure of the age pyramid reveals the demography of the population as a whole
- There are various types of populations pyramids based on the relative proportion of different age groups
- Expanding
- with high population growth rate
- the bottom of the pyramid is widest with the width rapidly tapering towards the top
- indicates that there is high proportion of children and few old people
- seen in developing countries like India
- Stationary
- indicates a stable population
- the bottom is widest with the pyramid gradually tapering towards the top
- seen in most developed countries
- Constriting
- the middle of the pyramid is the widest
- this is seen when the growth rate is negative
- the population is decreasing over time
- some developed countries like Switzerland are in this phase
- Expanding