All of the following are features of anorexia nervosa except? – Paediatrics MCQ

All of the following are features of anorexia nervosa except:
A. Restriction of energy intake relative to requirement
B. Intense fear of gaining weight
C. Symptoms emerge in later adolescence
D. Individual has engaged in recurrent episodes of binging or purging behaviour

Correct answer: C. Symptoms emerge in later adolescence


  • The onset of anorexia nervosa is usually in the early to middle adolescence.
  • It is more prevalent in girls.
  • They have disturbance in the way in which the body weight or shape is experienced.
  • They also cannot recognise the seriousness of the current low body weight.
  • It can be of two types
    • Restricting type – Weight loss occurs through dieting fasting or excessive exercise.
    • Binge eating / purging type – In this subtype the person engages in recurrent episodes of binge eating or purging behaviour.
  • Bulimia nervosa usually emerges in later adolescence.