Femoral artery – Anatomy MCQ

All are true regarding femoral artery except?
A. Leaves the femoral triangle by passing through the adductor canal.
B. Femoral nerve is lateral to the upper part of the femoral artery in the femoral triangle.
C. Femoral branch of genitofemoral nerve is lateral to the upper part of femoral artery within the femoral sheath.
D. The medial cutaneous nerve of thigh crosses the artery from medial to lateral side near the apex of femoral triangle.

Correct answer : D. The medial cutaneous nerve of thigh crosses the artery from medial to lateral side near the apex of femoral triangle.

Branches of femoral arteryBranches of femoral artery

  • The medial cutaneous nerve of thigh crosses the artery from lateral to medial side near the apex of femoral triangle.
  • Femoral artery passes downward and medially first in the femoral triangle and then in the adductor canal. At the lower end of the adductor canal, it passes through the opening in the adductor magnus to become continuous with the popliteal artery.

Contents of femoral sheath:
Lateral compartment – Femoral artery and femoral branch of genitofemoral nerve.
Middle compartment – Femoral vein.
Medial compartment – Lymph node of Cloquet.

Ref: Human Anatomy, B. D. Chaurasia, 4th ed, Vol 2, pages 53, 55.