Integrase inhibitor – Pharmacology MCQ

Which of the following is an integrase inhibitor currently in use for the treatment of HIV infection?

A. Indinavir
B. Elvitegravir
C. Saquinavir
D. Raltegravir

Correct answer : D. Raltegravir

  • Integrase inhibitors inhibit the enzyme ‘integrase‘ which inserts the viral genome into the host DNA.
  • Raltegravir was the first integrase inhibitor approved by the US FDA (in 2007).
  • Elvitegravir and Dolutegravir are 2 other integrase inhibitors approved in 2012 and 2013 respectively
  • Raltegravir is the correct answer because at the time of the exam (AIPG 2011), it was the only integrase inhibitor available commercially