Maternal Death – Definition
WHO defines maternal death as
- ‘The death of a woman while pregnant or within 42 days of termination of pregnancy,
- irrespective of duration or site of pregnancy
- from a cause that is related or aggravated by pregnancy
- but is not due to accidental or incidental causes
According to ICD (International Classification of Diseases), there are 2 categories of maternal deaths:
- Direct obstetric deaths
- Death due to obstetric complications of pregnant state (pregnancy, labour and puerperium), interventions, omissions, incorrect treatment or a chain of events arising from any combination of the above
- Indirect obstetric deaths
- Death from preexisting disease or disease that developed during pregnancy, which is not due to a direct obstetric cause, but is aggravated by the physiological changes during pregnancy
Late maternal death
- Death of a woman after 42 days, but within 1 year of termination of pregnancy
- due to direct or indirect obstetric causes
Pregnancy related death
- Death of a woman, while pregnant or within 42 days of termination of pregnancy
- irrespective of cause of death