A peripheral smear with increased neutrophils, basophils, eosinophils, and platelets is highly suggestive of: a) Acute myeloid leukemia b) Acute lymphoblastic leukemia c) Chronic myelogenous leukemia d) Myelodysplastic
A 17 year-old boy presented with TLC of 138 x 10 (9) /L with 80% blasts on the peripheral smear. Chest X-ray demonstrated a large mediastinal mass. Immunophenotyping
Which of the following is characteristically not associated with the development of interstitial lung disease? al Organic dusts b) Inorganic dusts cl Toxic gaes e.g. chlorine, sulphur dioxide d) lnhalation
Which of the following statements on lymphoma is not true? a) A single classification system for Hodgkin’s disease (HD) is almost universally accepted b) HD more often tends
Which of the following statements about carcinogenesis is false? a) Asbestos exposure increases the incidence of lung cancer b) Papilloma viruses produce tumours in animals but not in
Sections from a solid-cystic uniliateral ovarian tumor in a 30-year old female show a tumor composed of diffuse sheets of small cells with doubtful nuclear grooving and scanty
A 50-year-old male presented with signs and symptoms of restrictive heart disease. A right ventricular endo-myocardial biospy revealed deposition of extracellular eosionophilic hyaline material. On transmission electron microscopy,
An undifferentiated malignant tumour on immunohistochemical stain shows cytoplasmic positivity of most of the tumor cells for cytokeratin. The most probable diagnosis of the tumor is: a) Sarcoma
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