Pathology – MCQ 33 – A solid-cystic uniliateral ovarian tumor in a 30-year old female

Sections from a solid-cystic uniliateral ovarian tumor in a 30-year old female show a tumor composed of diffuse sheets of small cells with doubtful nuclear grooving and scanty cytoplasm. No Call-Exner bodies are seen. The ideal immunohistochemistry panel would include:
a) Vimentin, epithelial membrane antigen, inhibin, CD99
b) Desmin, S-100 protein, smooth muscle antigen, cytokeratin
c) Chromogranin, CD45, CD99, CD20
d) CD 3, chromagranin, CD 45, synaptophysin

Correct answer : a) Vimentin, epithelial membrane antigen, inhibin, CD99