Menstrual cycle in human females – Physiology MCQ

Cycle which is absent in humans is?

A. Menstrual cycle
B. Ovarian cycle
C. Hormonal cycle
D. Estrous cycle

Correct answer: D. Estrous cycle

Difference between estrous cycle and menstrual cycle

  • Estrous cycle in seen in non primate mammals, whereas menstrual cycle is seen in higher primates like humans.
  • If conception does not occur, endometrium is reabsorbed in estrous cycle, whereas endometrium is shed in menstrual cycle.
  • Females are sexually receptive only near the time of ovulation in estrous cycle. In menstrual cycle, it does not depend on the time of ovulation.

    Menstrual cycle in human femalesMenstrual cycle in human females

Components of menstrual cycle

  • It has 3 components – Ovarian cycle, Uterine cycle (endometrial cycle) and Hormonal cycle.
  • The ovarian cycle consists of 3 phases – Follicular phase, Ovulation and Luteal phase.
  • The uterine cycle consists of 3 phases – Menstrual phase, Proliferative phase and Secretory phase.

Image credits : Wikipedia

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