Nuclear fluorescence in systemic lupus erythematosus – Pathology MCQ

Which of the following is true regarding nuclear fluorescence in systemic lupus erythematosus?
A. Rim staining pattern indicates antibodies to double stranded DNA
B. Homogenous staining reflects antibodies specific to centromeres
C. Speckled pattern reflects the presence of antibodies to histones
D. Nucleolar pattern reflects antibodies to chromatin

Correct answer : A. Rim staining pattern indicates antibodies to double stranded DNA

nucleolar immunofluorescence patternNucleolar immunofluorescence pattern

Homogenous staining reflects antibodies specific to chromatin and histones.
Speckled pattern reflects the presence of antibodies to non DNA nuclear constituents like Sm antigen, SSA and SSB.
Nucleolar pattern reflects antibodies to RNA.
Centromeric pattern is seen in case of antibodies specific to centromeres.

Ref: Robbins & Cotran, Pathologic basis of disease, South Asia edition, Vol 1, p219.
Image credits: Simon Caulton. Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license.