Vocal nodule – Etiology, Pathogenesis, Clinical features and Management
- Vocal nodules are the a type of non neoplastic benign lesions of vocal cords
- They are nodular lesions located in the free edge of the vocal cords that arises as a result of voice abuse
- Voice abuse is the most important etiological factor
- Speaking in low tones or high intensity for long periods to time
- It is seen in people who tend to use their voice a lot like singers, singers and children
- Hence it is also known by the following alternate names:
- Singer’s nodules
- Speaker’s nodules
- Minister’s nodules
- Teacher’s nodules
- Screamer’s nodules
- Voice abuse initially results in oedema and haemorrhage in the submucosal space
- Later it undergoes hyalinisation and fibrosis
- The overlying epithelium undergoes hyperplasia and forms a nodule
Clinical features:
- Hoarseness of voice is the main complaint
- Voice fatigue
- Pain in neck
Laryngoscopy findings:
- Bilaterally symmetrical nodules on both vocal cords in their free border
- Location – At the junction of anterior one third and posterior two third (this is the area which undergoes maximum vibration during speech)
- Size – Pin head sized to half the size of a small pea
- Appearance – Initially appear red and oedematous, later changing to grey and fibrosed
- Voice rest is the most important intervention
- The patient should be advised on how to use their voice properly
- Early lesions, especially in children heal well with voice rest alone
- Late lesions, especially in adults may require excision under operating microscope
- Speech therapy is essential to prevent recurrence