Child Friendly School Initiative

What is Child Friendly School Initiative (CFSI)?

  • An initiative of Indian Academy of Pediatrics.
  • School environment has a great impact on child’s well being.
  • Children spend significant portion of their time in  schools .
  • CFSI is a set of 10 simple criteria that schools should meet in order to promote positive health of children.

The 10 commandments

  1. No physical punishment.
  2. No excess baggage.
  3. Safe and proper transportation to school.
  4. Hygienic drinking water.
  5. Clean kitchen or a place where children can bring and eat house food.
  6. Minimum 4 games periods in one week.
  7. Properly ventilated and illuminated class rooms.
  8. Periodic health checkups and health related lectures.
  9. Facility for First Aid in emergency.
  10. Adequate number of toilets.

1. No physical punishment

  • Physical punishment has psychological and physical consequences.
  • Responsibility of principal to ensure that no physical punishment is given to students.
  • Child helplines are set up in many metropolitan cities.

2. No excess baggage

  • Heavy school bags can lead to back pain, scoliosis and kyphosis.
  • Bag should not weigh more than 10% of child’s weight.
  • Bag should have 2 broad padded straps.
  • Children should be taught to bend at knees with straight back while taking the bag.
  • Another option – Have a duplicate set of books at home and school.

3. Safe and proper transportation to school

  • Children account for 10% of road accidents.
  • Bus should have 30-50 seats with no extra passenger, 2 fire extinguishers, first aid box.
  • Trained driver and conductor.
  • Bus speed not to exceed 40km/hr.
  • Rickshaws not to carry more than 8 persons.

4. Hygienic drinking water

  • Drinking water should be treated for fecal contamination and bacterial colony count.
  • Water should be tested for chemical and biological contamination.
  • Regular surveillance of drinking water purity.
  • Periodic cleaning of reservoirs, disinfection, leak detection, sanitary survey, and bacteriological survey.
  • Chlorination or use of filters.

5. Clean kitchen or a place where children can bring and eat house food

  • No outside vendors should be allowed near school premises.
  • There should be a separate eating / dining area in the schools.
  • Nutritional and hygienic practices must be followed at all times.
  • The idea of eating together ensures comradeship and secularism amongst children.

6. Minimum 4 games periods in one week

  • It prevents children from becoming a book- worm.
  • Helps in personality development.
  • With increasing interest towards TV, children are losing interest in play.
  • Provision of play field.
  • Properly trained coach.
  • Sufficient time to play – 4 games periods.

7. Properly ventilated and illuminated class-rooms

  • Well ventilated and illuminated class rooms prevent pollution, infection and eye strain and promote efficiency.
  • Each classroom should have sufficient doors and windows.
  • Class should accommodate at least 40 students providing 10 sq ft/child.
  • Rooms should be white washed from inside.
  • There should be adequate sunlight and light should reach students desk from left side to illuminate reading surface.

8. Periodic health check ups and health related lectures

  • Health checkups should be held in school premises.
  • Time spent on each student should be at least 10 minutes and there should be provision of follow- up.
  • Such health checkups should be held at least once annually.
  • Children should be screened for vision, hearing, scoliosis, hernia etc.
  • Regular growth monitoring, Hb for adolescent girls and vaccination should be checked.

9. Facility for first aid in emergency

  • Pupils can become sick / injured and may need at least preliminary attention by the school teacher.
  • Injuries can be from fall, motor vehicle accidents, near drowning, foreign body, poisoning, colic, etc.
  • All concerned should have first aid knowledge and regular training of new recruits should be done.
  • Better would be the provision of a paramedical trained person.
  • All teachers and staff should be trained to know the ABC of resuscitation.

10. Adequate number of toilets

  • The absence of adequate no. of toilets leads to adverse effects on health and poor hygiene and also leads to pollution.
  • At least one urinal per 60 students and one latrine for 100 students although ideal would be one latrine / 25 students.
  • Toilets should have wash basins.
  • There should be more toilets in girl’s schools.
  • Facility for running water rather than stored water ensures cleanliness and hygiene.


  • These ten simple guidelines will go a long way in creating a healthy and supportive environment for optimum development of our children.