Common peroneal nerve injury – Anatomy MCQ

Which of the following statements regarding injury to common peroneal nerve is false?
A. It causes foot drop
B. Anaesthesia of sole of foot
C. Loss of dorsiflexion of toes
D. Results from injury to neck of fibula

Correct answer : B. Anaesthesia of sole of foot

Nerves of the lower limbNerves of the lower limb

Features of common peroneal nerve injury

  • Foot drop (due to paralysis of dorsiflexors of ankle)
  • Inability to dorsiflex toes (paralysis of extensor hallucis longus, extensor digitorum longus and extensor digitorum brevis)
  • Inability to evert the foot (the foot assumes an inverted attitude)
  • Anaesthesia of anterolateral aspect of leg.
  • Anaesthesia of dorsum of foot and toes with medial side of big toe.