Vitreous humor anatomy
- Vitreous humor is the transparent, jelly like visual media occupying the posterior 4/5 of eyeball
- Volume – 4ml
- Formed of randomly arranged collagen fibers with spheroidal macromolecules of hyaluronic acid in between
Parts of vitreous humor:
- Cortical vitreous
- The outer part of vitreous close to the retina posteriorly and the lens and ciliary body anteriorly
- Arrangement of collagen fibers is denser
- These fibrils condense to form a false anatomical membrane
- anterior hyaloid membrane
- in front of ora serrata
- firmly attached to lens in young people and loosely attached in elderly
- posterior hyaloid membrane
- behind ora serrata
- loosely attached to internal limiting membrane of retina at all ages
- anterior hyaloid membrane
- Body of vitreous (nucleus)
- The inner zone of vitreous.
- True biological gel
- Less dense
- Liquefactions first start here
- Cloquet’s canal / hyaloid canal passes through the vitreous from the optic disc to posterior pole of lens
- It contains the hyaloid artery of the fetus
- It is of doubtful existence in adults
Attachments of vitreous
- Vitreous base
- part of vitreous which is most firmly attached
- 4mm area across ora serrata
- Also attached around optic disc, fovea, posterior surface of lens (Hyaloidocapsular ligament of wieger)
Functions of vitreous
- Maintains shape of eyeball
- Maintains intraocular tension
- Nutritive function
- As a optically clear media for light to reach the retina